Rhiannon Taylor

Featuring lifestyle, food and architectural photographer, Rhiannon Taylor.


"l have a group of female businesswomen I admire and love and I find catching up with them inspires and empowers me when I’m lacking inspiration."

Australian photographer Rhiannon Taylor has a unique eye for space, design and light. Her work sees her travel all over the world, with clients and assignments in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, USA, Australia, Maldives, South Africa, New Zealand, and South America.

Her photographic work in the architectural, lifestyle and food industries can be seen in print and online for an extensive list of commercial clients and publications including Condé Nast Traveller, Architectural Digest, Gourmet Traveller, Vogue Living and more.

Her travel blog In Bed With is her creative outlet for her travel photos with witty words to match. Dedicated to experiential and luxury resorts and lodges, it's regularly updated with Rhiannon's point of view on once in a lifetime destinations of wanderlust.




If we were someone you had just met at a dinner party, how would you describe your career to us?

I’m a photographer and have been for over 15 years now, shooting in the interiors, food and lifestyle genres. But on a more fun note, I also run a blog that curates boutique hotels and essentially I get to travel around the world sleeping in beautiful beds.

Is what you're doing now for work and all the traveling that comes with it what you always envisioned you'd be doing or has it changed over time?

Over the years my career has evolved and shifted from shooting editorial spreads and commercial jobs to doing a lot more social media and digital. I’m lucky to have embraced this early in the game which has led to a career travelling to places I never even dreamed of.

You work in both commercial photography for major outlets and also create content for your personal site, In Bed With. How do you approach the two differently and find balance between client projects and more personal ones?

I run my two businesses quite separately, even though they overlap a lot of the time. As a commercial photographer, the imagery I produce is a lot more considered. I use different camera gear, lighting, have specific briefs, stylists, assistants etc. When I’m shooting content for my own social media, it’s a lot more relaxed and loose. There can be an element of mess or a more real, lived in feel. I actually find I need to do both types of work to feel inspired. The commercial work keeps my brain ticking and my skill level up and it’s great to work in a team on set. The social media stuff allows me to be creative, work alone and can be very freeing.

You have a great eye for design overall. How would you describe your personal style?

I love collecting pieces from all over the world and mixing it in with luxe simplicity. Be it bright textiles from India, colorful pottery from Portugal and weaving it around more mod, neutral furnishings. Or a simple wrap dress with woven Turkish sandals. I need to be surrounded by refined clutter I think!

Where are you traveling to at the moment and what's your current view?

I’m currently in London and Spring is blooming! Cherry blossoms line the streets and it’s so beautiful. I love visiting places in Spring, it’s such a magical time.

Your office has literally been all over the world. What’s been the dreamiest space you’ve ever worked from?

I recently visited Six Senses Zil Payson in Seychelles, which was unbelievable. The bedroom was incredibly dreamy which overlooked an infinity pool and giant boulders that tumbled down to a hidden private beach. I was quite happy tapping away on my laptop both indoors and outdoors.

You must have your packing routine on auto pilot. Any top tips you can share for making sure you’re packing the right wardrobe items for every destination?

I always make sure I have a set of simple basics in my suitcase that I can mix and match. Great loungewear, a dress I can throw on and shirts I can swap in with jeans and pants. Once I have my basics set I add a few colourful pieces depending on season and weather of the destination I’m visiting and I’m pretty covered for anything. I also always take a pair of plain white sneakers that I can walk in all day and go with anything.

What are you reading or listening to right now?

I’m actually really into film and video and switch off by watching a series. Right now I’m watching David Attenborough’s new series on Netflix, which is so beautiful and very important detailing the changes happening on our planet.


What's the first thing you like to cook for yourself after returning home from a long trip?

I’m so glad you’ve asked me this because this is a huge thing for me! Routine with food is something I crave when travelling and so as soon as I get home I try to get back on track straight away. I have kefir probiotic every morning for breakfast with fruit, veggie, avocado and whole grain salad for lunch and spelt pasta with fresh tomato and basil for dinner.

What do you see in the Brochu Walker collection that most resonates with your personal style?

I love that the whole collection can be effortlessly interchanged and I love the lounge wear. The sweaters and pants can be worn on the plane and are elegant enough to wear in the afternoon at a hotel or bed and breakfast.

We're all about making women look and feel their best, so we wanted to ask...what makes you feel empowered?

l have a group of female businesswomen I admire and love and I find catching up with them inspires and empowers me when I’m lacking inspiration. It really helps me get momentum when I’m trying to achieve a goal.

Follow Rhiannon's journey @inbedwith.me.